• +6282194397739
  • abif_komputer@yahoo.co.id
  • Jl. Ahmad Yani 51A, Bone, Sulawesi-Selatan, Indonesia
Cartridge Infus System for Printer Brother DCP J100
Description :

Compatible Cartridge (Infus System) for Printer Brother DCP J100.
Mudah di Refill dan harga sangat terjangkau.
Untuk per-setnya hanya Rp. 150.000,-
Sudah bisa mencetak hingga ribuan lembar, dan bila tinta habis, hanya beli tinta isi ulangnya
sesuai kebutuhan warna yag hanya Rp. 25.000an/botol.


  1. It is a great machine. It can print up to thousands of sheets, and when the ink runs out, only buy refill ink according to the color needs.


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